
What is old school bodybuilding and benefits?


Old school bodybuilding is a term used to describe the bodybuilding practices of the 1970s and 1980s. These practices include the use of heavy weights, low repetitions, and basic exercises.

Old school bodybuilders believed that lifting heavy weights was the best way to build muscle. They would perform 3-5 sets of 6-8 repetitions using heavy weights.This type of training is known as hypertrophy training.

Old school bodybuilders also believed in using basic exercises. These exercises include the squat, deadlift, bench press, and overhead press. These exercises work the largest muscles in the body and are the best way to build muscle mass. Old school bodybuilders also believed in using low repetitions.

This type of training is known as strength training. Strength training is the best way to increase muscle size and strength. The old school bodybuilding approach is different from the bodybuilding approach of today.

Modern bodybuilders focus on using high repetitions and isolation exercises. They also focus on using machines instead of free weights. The old school bodybuilding approach is more effective than the modern bodybuilding approach. Old school bodybuilders are able to build more muscle mass and strength.

What are the benefits of old school bodybuilding? 

There are many benefits to old school bodybuilding.

One of the biggest benefits is that it is more sustainable. You can do it for a lifetime because it is more about quality over quantity. You don’t have to spend hours in the gym every day.

You can also eat a more balanced diet because you don’t need to eat as much protein as you would if you were trying to build muscle mass.

Another benefit is that you don’t need to use supplements. You can get all of the nutrients you need from whole foods. This is important because it means that you don’t have to worry about the side effects of supplements.

Old school bodybuilding is also more effective. You can achieve better results in a shorter amount of time. You don’t have to spend hours in the gym every day. You can also achieve better results by using less weight.

Finally, old school bodybuilding is more fun. You can do it with a friend or partner. You can also use a variety of exercises to keep things interesting.

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What are the differences between old school bodybuilding and modern bodybuilding?

There are many differences between old school bodybuilding and modern bodybuilding. The most obvious difference is the type of training that is used. Old school bodybuilders relied heavily on heavy weights and low reps, while modern bodybuilders use lighter weights and higher reps.

This difference is due to the fact that modern bodybuilders are more interested in muscle size and definition, while old school bodybuilders were more interested in strength and size. Another major difference is the use of steroids.

Old school bodybuilders did not use steroids, while modern bodybuilders rely on them to achieve their goals. This is due to the fact that steroids allow you to train harder and recover faster, which leads to more muscle growth.

Another difference is the way that the bodybuilders diet. Old school bodybuilders ate a lot of protein and carbs, while modern bodybuilders eat a lot of protein and healthy fats. This is because modern bodybuilders are more interested in getting lean, while old school bodybuilders were more interested in getting big.

Finally, the biggest difference between old school bodybuilding and modern bodybuilding is the way that the bodybuilders look.

Old school bodybuilders were big and bulky, while modern bodybuilders are lean and muscular. This is due to the fact that modern bodybuilders use a more balanced approach to training and dieting, while old school bodybuilders focused too much on weightlifting and not enough on cardio.

You can find old school bodybuilding clothing at Arnold Gym Gear online shop.